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​Pro tip - track the sights

​Pro tip - track the sights

Posted by Wesley Lagomarsino on Jun 2nd 2020

Pro tip - track the sights

Most people align the sights very well before the shot goes off. But, what do your eyes do when the gun is in mid-recoil? A lot of people blink. Some people allow their focus to become blurry. Some even immediately shift their focus over to the target to search for the hole they just produced. All of these are gross fundamental, visual errors. The correct use of your eyes is to track the path of the front sight in relation to the rear notch every time the gun discharges. That comparison will advise you of what you're doing right or wrong with applying equilateral pressure with your grip. Furthermore, it will tell you how soon to apply pressure through the creep of the trigger again to fire the next shot. In short, tracking the sights provides indisputable, factual data as to what you're doing with your grip and how fast you should be moving the trigger.

The amount of clarity of focus you apply to the sights should be dictated by how large or small the target appears to be in relation to the sights. When your sights fit in your target zone very tight, or maybe they appear larger than the intended target zone, you need to focus with more clarity and move the trigger slower through the creep. When the sights easily fit in the intended target zone, you can get away with a much more blurry sight picture and move through the creep of the trigger a lot faster. I call this sliding spectrum "clear sight shooting to blurry sight shooting". You'll have to figure out what level of clarity will work for you with each exact gun/ammo combo on the range before you can ever expect to perform well in competitions or, more importantly, in a fight.

This skill set does not come naturally. You have to make a deliberate, conscious effort to do this every time you discharge a gun. Be sure to dedicate 30 to 50 rounds of each practice session to tracking the sights. Once you have the general idea down, begin varying the sights to target ratio, either by changing the target distance or the target zone size. Another way to memorize the correct use of your eyes with the sights is to shoot a blow back airsoft gun (okay) or something like the Coolfire system (best). Either way, you're getting movement of the sights and requiring your eyes to track the blur during the recoil. This simple skill will drastically improve most shooters. I hope it helps you.

Take care,


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